Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Runs of 2012

Since last year I sucked at blogging I guess I should give you some updates on what I did between August and January...

With the exception of running, it wasn't much.  I did finally find a bootcamp down here, I've been going since October, It's not Next Level, but it will do, I'm still getting used to it.

Unfortunately my nutrition slipped.  I wasn't eating as healthy as I liked.  For the most part it wasn't awful, but it wasn't something I felt proud of.  Every time I said I was going to buckle down and eat clean I wound up giving in again.  It kinda sucks when everyone around you is telling you it's ok to have this or that. It's weird because even though I know that eating clean and healthy is something to be proud of, but I almost felt like certain people were judging me for not eating the junk food sometimes. I don't know I guess it is hard to explain, I don't even really understand myself.  Maybe it just feels like people like to see you fail...Whatever! Anyways, I was eating more crap (especially sugar) than I wanted to, and then the holidays started and I guess I just gave up trying.    But the holidays are over, it's a new year, and it is time to be strong again!

But besides that, I did get a lot of runs in, which I'm super pumped about!

You already know I did the Boilermaker 5k in July and the Warrior Dash in August(See first post). Here are pics from those:

Sprinting to the finish...
Photo Courtesy of WKTV

Leaping fire at Warrior Dash
Photo courtesy of Warrior Dash
In September I did the Color Me Rad 5k in Albany.  That was awesome!! If you want to do a run (not timed) and don't know where to start, I suggest giving their website a look! The idea is you wear white, and along the race volunteers color you and by the end you are head-to-toe covered in color!

I went with my sis and a friend from Next Level and one of her friends.  Here is our before pictures:

Next Level Strong!

And After!

All looking pretty rad!
Pic courtesy of Color Me Rad
My fav picture of my Sis and I
Pic Courtesy of Color Me Rad

In October I did my 1st 10k!! I honestly didn't know if I could do it! Because not only was it my first 10k, but I didn't train for it and it was the first race I did that I didn't have my friends or family running it with me.  I did it here in Jersey.  It was the Terri Roemer Paramus Run.  I am so happy I was able to do it! And I had a good time to, i finished in 1:11:46.  Not bad for my first one!

Heading to my 1st 10k
The following weekend I went home and did another run with my sister and some friends from Next Level.  It was the Skeleton Run.

In case you can't tell, it was freezing, and raining.  And what was supposed to be a trail run turned into a mud run... But it was still fun!

The weekend after that, my friend Christie came down and we did another run in New Jersey.  It was the Hobooken 5k.  For this one we got to go in costume, Can you guess what we were??

We were The Price is Right Contestants!! it was a lot of fun, and the run was beautiful along the water with the NYC skyline as a backdrop.  2 days later Hurricane Sandy hit and Hoboken was underwater.

I think that everything, if not I'll update you off to bootcamp!

Can't wait to get started on races for 2013...I've got a lot planned!

Food continued...

Totally forgot to take pictures of my lunch and dinner...

They were both simple, lunch was leftovers from dinner last night, some chicken croquettes and roasted broccoli.  Dinner was chicken and roasted veggies.  I'm heading to bootcamp in a bit, so I will have a protein shake after...which reminds me I should post some of my favorite shake recipes!

All my meals are pretty basic, it is nice to keep things simple.  Makes it easy to throw together after work.  I like to plan out all of my meals, snacks included for the week, that way I know exactly what I'm eating and I'm not as likely to stray.  I am planning on meal planning and prepping stuff this weekend hopefully I will remember to take some pics and update here.

Feeling good!

For the past few months I have had an awful time eating healthy. All I was craving was sweets and I ate whatever I wanted.

I decided this year it was time to get back on track. And for the first time in a long time I actually feel really good about it. Since New Years I haven't had any sugar or white flour and I'm actually not craving anything. I can't believe how well it's going, normally at this point, I'm ready to give up and cheat. I already lost 2.9 pounds!

I'll post my meals for the day- here are my breakfast and morning snack:

For breakfast I had chobani Greek yogurt with granola, flax & chia seeds and a piece of whole wheat banana bread (made with honey & plain Greek yogurt)

Morning snack was cottage cheese and cashews.

More later! :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bucket list

Ok, here it is. My Bucket List. The 30 things I want to do before I die:

1) Run the Boilermaker 15k
2) Complete a Tough Mudder
3) Run a half marathon
4) Run a marathon
5) Complete a Triathalon
6) Go to Nashville
7) Learn a language
8) Visit the west coast
9) Learn to play the guitar
10) Get a passport and have it stamped in at least 5 different countries
11) Go to Alaska
12) Take a cruise
13) Learn to surf
14) Go sky diving
15) Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef
16) Go on an African Safari
17) Have a family
18) See the northern lights
19) Take a photography class
20) Climb Mount Marcy
21) Learn to ski/snowboard/Xcountry ski
22) Go white water rafting
23) Go zip-lining
24) Compete in the Adirondack Canoe Classic
25) Go rock climbing
26) Learn to play the guitar
27) Go back packing
28) Climb all of the Addirondack High Peaks
29) Get something published
30) Fall in love

I'm sure I'll have more to add to it at some point, but there it is so far. I should be knocking out numbers 1 & 6 this year... Hopefully I can get started on a couple more too!

Worst blogger ever

It's official. I suck as a blogger. Maybe I'll be able to start it again this year and actually stick with it.

Well happy New year! It's time to detox from the holidays. I have definitely fallen off the healthy lifestyle wagon over the last couple months. It's time to get serious again, suck it up, and stop making excuses!

I chose to make 2 resolutions this year, something I don't usually do. Here they are:
1) Eat less processed food and more REAL food.
2) knock something's off my Bucket list

Number 1 is pretty self explanatory. I just want to stop eating pre-prepared & pre-packaged food and start preparing more from scratch. I want to try to transition myself to eating only whole grain foods and no sugar. Easier said than done. But, I'm determined. I WILL succeed.

My second resolution will hopefully be a lot of fun. Everyone has got the cliche Bucket List, things you want to do or places you want to see before you "kick the bucket". Well, I want to start crossing things off that list. (I guess I should actually make up a real list so it's not just in my blog entry!)

And even though a lot of the things on my bucket list aren't directly related to to health or fitness, I'm still going to include them here because this is my journey to get healthy and I believe health and happiness go hand in hand. If I don't do these things that make me happy, I won't have the drive to push myself through the hard times.

That's it for the time being, hopefully I'll be back soon with my bucket list and more thoughts and hopefully some successes on my journey.

Talk to ya soon!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gotta have goals!

The one thing I have learned through out this whole process is that I have to set goals.  Whether it is to lose 5 pounds, or to not eat chocolate for a week (something I still struggle with constantly), I need to have something that I can strive for.  I need to have something to push for, as my motivation.

My goal at the start of the year was to start running.  That was a huge deal for me!! I have always hated running! When I was in high school and we had to run the mile, I used to get out of it because I had knee problems.  Now I really did have problems with my knee (I blame the 15 years of dancing) but I could have at least tried, but I didn't, I just got myself out of it.  I was always the kid that chose the least strenuous 'sport' to play in gym. 

So this spring I started running.  I started out by using the Couch to 5k program, but then just started running on my own.  I found that I had a lot more stamina than I thought I would from working out at Next Level.  I knew that I wouldn't get myself to keep running with out a goal (especially once I moved to Jersey), so I signed up for 2 5ks! I ran my first 5k in July; Utica, NY's Boilermaker Road Race. It was my first 5k, I'm not very happy with my time (38:11), but it's something to work on. 

Sprinting to the finish!!
Photo Courtesy of WKTV New Channel 2

I just wanted my finishers pin! 

I am so happy to say that I ran it! I want to improve on my time next year, and then someday I would like to be able to run the 15k...that's a goal I need to work towards.  

I ran my second 5k, and the one that I was most excited for (and nervous about), this weekend.  I ran in the Warrior Dash in Windham, NY! What is the Warrior Dash, you may ask? Well, they describe it as a run "where 12 obstacles from hell await you along this 3.20 mile course" and I think that's a pretty accurate description.  With one thing left out...they don't tell you that it is up a ski mountain! And when I say up, I mean reallllly far up, and steep!! There was a huge group of us from Next Level that went and ran together.
Photo Credit- Cyndi St. James
Have the huge group made it a lot of fun.  I stuck with my friend Christie for the run, and I won't lie that first half mile sucked! But once we started getting to the obstacles, we started to forget about the hill, and then it started going back down.  It was so much fun! I can't wait to do it again.  My goal for next year is to do 3!  I  wasn't running it for time, I just wanted to finish without killing myself.  But next time I'd like to try and push myself more.  But I made it and got my medal!

Here's some of our dirty group at the finish and my sis and I with our shirts, medals and viking hats:

Photo Credit- Cyndi St. James
Sister Warriors!

It was a fantastic weekend, and I am so happy to say that I finished 2 5k's (and I'm registered for 2 more this year!)

Now I just need to set some new goals...I'm thinking of working my way up to be able to run the Boilermaker 15k by 2014, so maybe some 10ks for 2013. Plus, I want to run at least 2, if possible 3, Warrior Dashes in 2013, plus the Mighty Run (more on that later).  The other thing I've thought about training for is to do a triathlon sprint....gotta look into that and figure out some training.

Remember to set those goals and push till you achieve them! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to!!

Me, David and Kristen
Next Level Strong
Beast Mode!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Good choices

Just a quick post.

The biggest thing I've learned on this journey is the importance of making heathy decisions. Because one really does lead to another, and vice versa. When you make a bad decision, to say, eat that cookie at lunch, you're usually more likely to be bad again, at least that's my experience.

Earlier I was at the car dealership waiting for my car to be fixed and I was starving. What are we always faced with in times like this?

I was lucky enough to find this:

Unsalted Trail mix with peanuts, almonds, raisins and sunflower seeds! I was surprised to find it without chocolate! A lot of the time I can usually find nuts, which is always a good alternative to the candy and crap you usually see.

The best thing, and what I used to always do, is always carry something with me. Usually I had almonds (the 100 calorie packs are the best!) If. You want to be able to have something sweet, fruit or dries fruit is always good.(again I loved the Craisin 100 calorie packs)

I've found that if I have myself prepared and with something healthy on hand, I don't usually give in to the temptation.